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Als Bilder, nicht als Video







MP4/Videovon ffmpeg unterstütze FormateEs können per Algorithmus interessante Stellen im Video automatisch als Bilder extrahiert werden

Erweiterte Liste von Formaten

Bildformate über ImageMagick

Da intern ImageMagick für die Konvertierung verwendet wird, ist es möglich alle Formate, welche ImageMagick verarbeiten kann auch anzuzeigen.

 ImageMagick Formate
AAIAAI Dune image
APNGAnimated Portable Network Graphics
ARTPFS: 1st Publisher
ARWSony Digital Camera Alpha Raw Image Format
AVIMicrosoft Audio/Visual Interleaved
AVIFFormat derived from the keyframes of AV1 video
AVSAVS X image
BAYERRaw mosaiced samples
BPGBetter Portable Graphics
BMP, BMP2, BMP3Microsoft Windows bitmap
CALSContinuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Type 1 image
CINKodak Cineon Image Format
CMYKRaw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
CMYKARaw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha samples
CR2Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
CRWCanon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
CUBEA lookup table containing math instructions to replace a color (based on RGB value) by another one. It's like a color grading preset. This process is done pixel by pixel with a very high accuracy.
CURMicrosoft Cursor Icon
DCMDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) image
DCRKodak Digital Camera Raw Image File
DCXZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush image
DDSMicrosoft Direct Draw Surface
DIBMicrosoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap
DMRDigital media repository
DNGDigital Negative
DOTGraph Visualization
DPXSMPTE Digital Moving Picture Exchange 2.0 (SMPTE 268M-2003)
EMFMicrosoft Enhanced Metafile (32-bit)
EPDFEncapsulated Portable Document Format
EPIAdobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPSAdobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPSFAdobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPSIAdobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPTAdobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview
EXRHigh dynamic-range (HDR) file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic
FARBFELDFarbfeld lossless image format
FITSFlexible Image Transport System
FL32FilmLight floating point image format
FLIFFree Lossless Image Format
FPXFlashPix Format
FTXTRead and write multispectral channels as formatted text
GIFCompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
GPLTGnuplot plot files
GRAYRaw gray samples
GRAYARaw gray and alpha samples
HDRRadiance RGBE image format
HDRRadiance RGBE image format
HEICApple High efficiency Image Format
HPGLHP-GL plotter language
HRZSlow Scan TeleVision
HTMLHypertext Markup Language with a client-side image map
ICOMicrosoft icon
JBIGJoint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format
JNGMultiple-image Network Graphics
JP2JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
JPTJPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
J2CJPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
J2KJPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
JXRJPEG extended range
JXLJPEG XL image coding system
MANLinux reference manual pages
MATMATLAB image format
MIFFMagick multispectral image file format
MONOBi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
MNGMultiple-image Network Graphics
M2VMotion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 2)
MPEGMotion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 1)
MPCMagick Pixel Cache image file format
MPOMulti-picture Object
MPRMagick Persistent Registry
MRWSony (Minolta) Raw Image File
MSLMagick Scripting Language
MTVMTV Raytracing image format
MVGMagick Vector Graphics.
NEFNikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File
ORFOlympus Digital Camera Raw Image File
ORAopen exchange format for layered raster based graphics
OTBOn-the-air Bitmap
P7Xv's Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format
PALMPalm pixmap
CLIPBOARDWindows Clipboard
PBMPortable bitmap format (black and white)
PCXZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file
PDBPalm Database ImageViewer Format
PDFPortable Document Format
PEFPentax Electronic File
PESEmbrid Embroidery Format
PFAPostscript Type 1 font (ASCII)
PFBPostscript Type 1 font (binary)
PFMPortable float map format
PGMPortable graymap format (gray scale)
PHMPortable float map format 16-bit half
PICONPersonal Icon
PICTApple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file
PIXAlias/Wavefront RLE image format
PNGPortable Network Graphics
PNG8Portable Network Graphics
PNG00Portable Network Graphics
PNG24Portable Network Graphics
PNG32Portable Network Graphics
PNG48Portable Network Graphics
PNG64Portable Network Graphics
PNMPortable anymap
POCKETMODPocketmod personal organizer format
PPMPortable pixmap format (color)
PSAdobe PostScript file
PS2Adobe Level II PostScript file
PS3Adobe Level III PostScript file
PSBAdobe Large Document Format
PSDAdobe Photoshop multispectral bitmap file
PTIFPyramid encoded TIFF
PWPSeattle File Works multi-image file
QOIQuite OK Image Forma
RADRadiance image file
RAFFuji CCD-RAW Graphic File
RAWRaw gray samples
RGBRaw red, green, and blue samples
RGB565Raw red, green, blue pixels in the 5-6-5 format
RGBARaw red, green, blue, and alpha samples
RGFLEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robot Graphics File
RLAAlias/Wavefront image file
RLEUtah Run length encoded image file
SCTScitex Continuous Tone Picture
SFWSeattle File Works image
SGIIrix RGB image
SID, MrSIDMultiresolution seamless image
STRIMGString to images and back
SUNSUN Rasterfile
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
TEXTtext file
TGATruevision Targa image
TIFFTagged image file multispectral format
TTFTrueType font file
TXTMultispectral raw text file
UYVYInterleaved YUV raw image
VICARVICAR rasterfile format
VIDEOVarious video formats such as APNG, AVI, MP4, WEBM, etc. Refer to defines for a description of these defines: video:intermediate-format, video:pixel-format, and video:vsync defines, that can affect the operation on these video formats.
VIFFKhoros Visualization Image File Format
WBMPWireless bitmap
WDPJPEG extended range
WEBPWeppy image format
WMFWindows Metafile
WPGWord Perfect Graphics File
Xdisplay or import an image to or from an X11 server
XBMX Windows system bitmap, black and white only
XPMX Windows system pixmap
XWDX Windows system window dump
X3FSigma Camera RAW Picture File
YCbCrRaw Y, Cb, and Cr samples
YCbCrARaw Y, Cb, Cr, and alpha samples
YUVCCIR 601 4:1:1

Textformate über Pandoc

Da intern Pandoc für die Konvertierung verwendet wird, ist es möglich alle Formate, welche Pandoc zu Markdown konvertieren kann auch anzuzeigen.

 Pandoc Formate

Lightweight markup formats
- Markdown (including CommonMark and GitHub-flavored Markdown)
- reStructuredText
- AsciiDoc
- Emacs Org-Mode
- Emacs Muse
- Textile
- Markua
- txt2tags

HTML formats
- (X)HTML 4
- Chunked HTML

- EPUB version 2 or 3
- FictionBook2

TeX formats
- LaTeX

XML formats
- DocBook version 4 or 5

Outline formats

Bibliography formats
- BibTeX
- BibLaTeX
- EndNote XML

Word processor formats
- Microsoft Word docx
- Rich Text Format RTF
- OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT

Interactive notebook formats
- Jupyter notebook (ipynb)

Wiki markup formats
- MediaWiki markup
- DokuWiki markup
- TikiWiki markup
- TWiki markup
- Vimwiki markup
- XWiki markup
- ZimWiki markup
- Jira wiki markup
- Creole

Data formats
- CSV tables
- TSV tables

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